Tophills Recreational Park in San Fernando, Cebu

San Fernando has been in the mind of many people these past months because of El Kargador's phenomenal popularity. People from different parts of Cebu flock to the resort to spend their summer. But somewhere in the far corner of San Fernando, a small mountain resort is getting finished.

Tophills Recreational Park, that's the owner call the place but for me, it fits as a mountain resort because the place is situated on the top of the mountain though a simpler one. If you know Singli Mountain Resort, Tophills is far above that resort. And the road to take in going there is such an adventure. The slope may go up to 45 degrees and that very deep cliff need to pass through is such a scare on the way. But that's okay because waiting at the end of that difficult road is a simple yet nice place.

Tophills first pool.

I have been there two times already and I'm planning for my third. The first is an overnight stay with just our group occupying the whole place, with just the 7 of us. It's like the place is reserved for us only. The reason is that the place is not that known at that time so it's not crowded this time. Maybe people will flock to the place after they read this blog (hahaha assuming na miming).

What I like most about Tophills Recreational Park is the scenery that the sky is so close that the stars and moon appear bigger. And it's a coincidence that it was a full moon when we stayed overnight there. The scene was a big "AWE" until dawn. So if your planning to visit the place after reading this post (I hope you do!) and you want to stay overnight, make sure that the sky is clear so that the stars can be seen clearly, and don't forget to book the moon ahead (hahaha).

Another angle of the first pool.

As the sun rises, it's another great scenery.

Second pool and the cottages.

An early morning shoot, pwede na mag model? ^^

How to  get to the place
Name of place:   Tophills Recreation Park
Location:   San Fernando, Cebu
Contact #: +63 922 5838085 | +63 916 1945516 | 269-7974

Entrance:   50 pesos
Habal2x (fm San Fernando proper):   25 pesos
Cottage:   300 pesos
Small Rooms:   1,000 pesos

The rates, contact details and other information indicated in this post are accurate from the time of writing but may change without's notice. Should you know any updated information regarding this post, please message us on Facebook.